The first reason has to do with women.
Our cultural construct encourages us, women, to be an object: to groom our looks, to serve our partner’s needs and to bear children. This not only prevents women from accessing an enormous life force within their bodies, it also marks their bodies as someone else’s property, one that can be remarked upon, touched without consent, and one whose wishes can be denied.
When we change the way we look at our bodies, we change the way we look at our overall societal roles. This is an era in which we, as women, are called to reclaim our sexuality so that we are able to regain access to our power and build the world our future generation deserves.
When we as women understand that our physical needs are important enough in the bedroom, we will understand that our opinions are important in the boardroom, and that our ideas are worth manifesting.
The second reason has to do with the relationship between men and women.
In the last few years we have been witnessing all the gaps between men and women coming to the surface; the wage gap, the human rights gap, the leadership gap. There is so much rage, judgement and hatred between us. We see it in the workplace, in politics and in the media. We cannot manage a healthy society if we cannot understand each other, and we cannot understand each other if we don’t understand ourselves. In this book I share how deepening and realizing my femininity allowed me to come to understand men and make peace with them.
The second reason has to do with the relationship between men and women.
In the last few years we have been witnessing all the gaps between men and women coming to the surface; the wage gap, the human rights gap, the leadership gap. There is so much rage, judgement and hatred between us. We see it in the workplace, in politics and in the media. We cannot manage a healthy society if we cannot understand each other, and we cannot understand each other if we don’t understand ourselves. In this book I share how deepening and realizing my femininity allowed me to come to understand men and make peace with them.
The second reason has to do with the relationship between men and women.
In the last few years we have been witnessing all the gaps between men and women coming to the surface; the wage gap, the human rights gap, the leadership gap. There is so much rage, judgement and hatred between us. We see it in the workplace, in politics and in the media. We cannot manage a healthy society if we cannot understand each other, and we cannot understand each other if we don’t understand ourselves. In this book I share how deepening and realizing my femininity allowed me to come to understand men and make peace with them.
I am not a therapist, nor am I a tantra teacher; I’m a woman that went through a journey that completely transformed her life, and in this book I will share it with you. The book comes with a guidebook that will support your process.