present woman
your journey

for curious women and interested men

An experiential audio program for practical exploration of the tools mentioned in the book 'Present Woman,' from your own home

your journey

for curious women and interested men

Since I published "Alive Woman," there hasn't been a day when I don't receive a message asking for a recommendation for a workshop or sexual therapy. Because of the initial challenge on the journey, I created this audio journey with facilitators I admire. The journey provides practical experience in techniques for connecting to the body and sexuality, aimed at awakening and illuminating the alive woman within you.

Each chapter offers guidance and exercises from leading facilitators in the field, accompanied by a booklet for reflective documentation of your personal journey towards embodiment and your full expression in the world. The accompanying exercises invite you to a process similar to what I underwent at the beginning of writing "Alive Woman"; they invite you towards embodiment and pleasure, while simultaneously inviting you to reflect on your life story, to give it new interpretations, and to write a new chapter.

I cannot describe the joy accompanying the creation of these audio files alongside the workshops I hosted. I cannot wait to see where this will meet you. The process is personal and does not require a partner. Men, you are also invited to awaken the alive woman within.

women with me on the journey

orka tepler

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What's on the journey?

The journey includes eight chapters, corresponding to the chapters of the book:
שער ראשון

אז ככה מרגישה אורגזמה

על טעימה של עונג עם אפרת וולפסון.

שער שני

שערים נפתחים

על יציאה מהמדבר של האינטימיות הזוגית, עם סמדר מילר.

שער שלישי

למה את סוגרת

על ביטוי קולי ומעגל אחיות עם אורקה טפלר ומעיין שובל.

שער רביעי

רציתי גם להיפתח כמו פרח

על חיבור לפות ולפין עם מיכל כהן שמחה.

שער חמישי

תלמדי אותי להיות אשה חזקה

על תרבות האלה עם איריס יוטבת.

שער שישי

פגישה עם החיה

בריאת מציאות דרך הגוף והמיניות, עם ליה גרבר.

שער שביעי

נשים חיות

אקטיביזם, מנהיגות נשית ותיקון עולם, עם מרוה זוהר ושרה טנקמן

שער שמיני

איש ואישה

על ריפוי היחסים בין גברים ונשים, עם נרקיס אלון

How much is it?

284 Shekels

With each purchase, 12% of the revenue is donated to Bria and Aman

who is it for?

For women who want to start the journey towards the body and don't know where to start, for curious men who want to connect with women and the femininity within them. This audio journey will give you a taste of different techniques and allow you to identify where you want to go deeper.